AlertTheGlobe was founded in 2011 by Hollywood California Recording Studio Technicians Ron Garrett and David Harrelson. After 3 1/2  decades of working together on making sure the recording engineers, record company producers and the musicians that came through the recording studio doors were content, and after a bit of encouraging words from Sir Ringo Starr, the eSoundlink/AlertTheGlobe mission became unstoppable. Both Ron and David saw an incredible divide between the musicians that made it through the studio doors and those that waited on the outside. “Why?” Ron would wonder “why, when there were over one billion musicians and singers on this planet and many of them equally as talented as those that walked into the recording studios doors, why can’t they be seen and heard too?”. It was this uniting mission that the founders wanted to solve. Through their technical skills and passion to build a ‘home’ for the over one billion musicians and singers, AlertTheGlobe was born. 

AlertTheGlobe is simply a company with the primary objective to build a ‘culture’, a world where all these great musicians and all the world’s 3 billion people that love to see and hear all kinds of music come together. Within a few weeks after the founders expressed this ‘concept’ to some of the musicians they had worked for for 35 years, the next thing that happened is the founders had a Board of Advisors that consisted of musicians from The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteens’ E Street Band, Stevie Nicks & The Beach Boys. With their global travels of building recording studios, the Garrett/Harrelson team, since 2013, streamed over 6,000 performances by many of the worlds musicians that, until that point, have never been seen before. It was all made even easier when they announced the release of their live streaming camera system (named after Bernard Fowler, singer with the Rolling Stones’ daughter Morgan).

AlertTheGlobe’s mission is ‘To Bring You and the World Together Through Music‘. As the CEO and Co Founder Ron Garrett states, “Music is one passion in which there are no boundaries. It tears down the walls of division and brings together all, regardless of race creed, color or religion. Music makes us hug more and hate less. It just unites.”






AlertTheGlobe Family